Slip and Fall Injury Attorney in Denver

Are you dealing with the painful aftermath of a slip and fall on someone else’s property? If so, you could be owed compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Unfortunately, the property owner’s insurer will likely fight hard to avoid paying you what you deserve. What can you do to fight back and demand justice?

Your first move should be to contact an experienced Denver slip and fall lawyer with The Wilhite Law Firm. Our team has extensive experience representing accident victims and navigating the complex world of premises liability claims. We are firmly committed to helping Denver accident victims assert their legal rights and seek the money they need to rebuild their lives. We want to help you stand up against property owners and their insurers and demand fair compensation for what you’ve suffered – and we won’t charge you a fee unless we win your case.

Don’t wait another second to contact our office today and request a free legal consultation. We will take the time to thoroughly review your situation, advise you on your rights, and explain your options for pursuing justice.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Slip and Falls?

The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) indicates that falls are the leading cause of ER visits in the U.S., accounting for nearly 8 million visits annually. Slip and fall accidents are all too common and often happen because property owners fail to correct dangerous hazards on their premises.

Some of the most common causes of Denver slip and fall accidents include:

  • Icy surfaces
  • Snow
  • Spills or wet flooring
  • Torn carpets and rugs
  • Uneven walkways
  • Cracks in sidewalks
  • Loose floorboards
  • Loose cords
  • Items blocking walking paths or store aisles
  • Loose stairs and handrails
  • Missing handrails
  • Unmarked stairs, steps, and other hazards
  • Potholes
  • Poor lighting conditions

News reports show that slip-and-fall accidents involving snow and ice are on the rise in Colorado. This increase is caused partly by property owners failing to take appropriate measures to clear snow and ice from sidewalks and walkways following winter storms. Contact our Denver slip and fall attorney today.

Where Do Denver Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

A slip and fall accident can occur anywhere a property owner hasn’t taken appropriate and reasonable steps to ensure the safety of their guests or patrons.

Some of the most common areas where Denver slip and fall accidents happen include:

  • Private homes
  • Apartments
  • Office buildings
  • Workplaces
  • Grocery stores
  • Shopping centers
  • Parking lots
  • Sidewalks
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Elevators/escalators
  • Theaters
  • Amusement parks
  • Nursing homes
  • Pools
  • Ski resorts

Man got injured at work by falling.Did you fall and injure yourself on someone else’s property? If so, you need to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable Denver slip and fall accident attorney to learn more about your legal rights. You may be able to demand that the property owner or their insurance company compensate you for your injuries. An attorney can help you manage the process so you have time to recover from your fall injury.

What Injuries Can Occur in a Denver Slip and Fall?

Many people are surprised to find that slip and fall accidents can lead to devastating physical injuries. While sprains and strains are common, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injury in the U.S. Other injuries that can occur following a Denver slip and fall accident include:

  • Broken bones, especially arms, legs, wrists, and hips
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Dental injuries
  • Dislocations
  • Lacerations
  • Contusions
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Abrasions

Slip and fall accidents can cause more than just physical injuries. These incidents can also trigger invisible injuries like depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

What Should I Do If I Have Been Hurt on Someone’s Property?

Your actions in the aftermath of a slip and fall accident can significantly affect your ability to mount a successful liability claim and recover fair compensation for your injuries and financial losses.

Consider taking the following steps to protect yourself from a slip and fall accident:

  • Report the accident – Let a supervisor, manager, or property owner know what happened. You may be asked to fill out an incident report if you are hurt at work or in a public location. Be as accurate and detailed as possible, and ask for a copy of the report for your records.
  • Document the scene – Did you slip on a wet floor or spill? Was the walkway covered in ice? Document the scene as thoroughly as possible with photographs and videos.
  • Ask witnesses for their contact information – If someone saw the incident occur, ask them for their contact information and a brief description of what they witnessed.
  • Seek medical attention immediately – Do not wait. Seek medical attention for your injuries immediately after a slip and fall accident, especially if you hit your head. Falls can result in significant and traumatic injuries.
  • Keep your clothes and shoes – Your clothing and footwear can be valuable evidence. Set aside your clothes and shoes in a plastic bag or container. Do not wash or alter them.
  • Keep a paper trail – Keep track of your bills and expenses related to the slip and fall accident. That means keeping medical expenses, out-of-pocket costs, and paystubs showing your time missed from work.
  • Contact an attorney – Premises liability claims are complicated, and insurers take advantage of injury victims who don’t understand the legal system. Get the advice of a skilled Denver personal injury attorney instead of trying to pursue your claim yourself.
  • Avoid social media – For your protection, do not post anything on social media until your attorney resolves your claim. Insurers and defense attorneys will look for anything they can use to undermine your claim.

Can I Be Compensated for My Slip and Fall Injuries?

Young man who was injured in slip and fall accidentYou could be entitled to compensation if your injuries resulted from a property owner’s failure to seek out and address dangerous conditions on their premises. Working with an experienced Denver slip and fall lawyer is the best way to understand your legal options for pursuing meaningful compensation for your losses.

Property owners should have insurance policies that cover the costs of a premises liability claim, like a slip and fall accident. However, insurers are typically more concerned with their profits than helping injury victims. Before you accept a settlement, seek legal advice about your situation. An attorney can review your slip-and-fall case and calculate the fair value of your claim, which could include money for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Disability
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Pain and suffering

Sometimes, a personal injury lawsuit may be a viable option for seeking compensation for a slip and fall accident. A skilled attorney can outline all your options.

Who Can Be Held At Fault for My Injuries?

Colorado premises liability law requires all property owners to maintain and address maintenance issues and safety hazards on their premises. This law is meant to keep all guests and patrons safe when they visit a property and provide them with a path to financial recovery when property owners fail to protect them.

Who can be at fault for your slip and fall injuries depends on the circumstances of your unique situation.

One or more parties may be liable following a slip and fall accident, including:

  • Disabled man sitting on his wheelchair at home.Property owners, like homeowners and landlords
  • Property occupiers, like leasees and renters
  • Business owners and managers
  • Maintenance and cleaning crews
  • Independent contractors

A Denver slip and fall lawyer can review your case and identify all potentially liable parties before seeking maximum compensation for your injuries.

What Is Needed to Prove Fault in My Slip and Fall Injury Claim?

You must prove the following distinct elements to establish fault in a Denver slip and fall claim:

  • The property owner owed you a duty of care. That means establishing that the owner was responsible for maintaining a safe environment, free from dangerous conditions and hazards that threatened you as a guest, visitor, or patron.
  • The property owner failed in that duty. You must prove the property owner knew or should have reasonably known that the safety hazard existed on their property. You must also show the property owner did not take appropriate steps to warn others of the safety hazard or correct the problem.
  • The hazard caused your injury. You must show that the unaddressed hazard caused your injury and that you suffered specific losses such as medical expenses or pain and suffering as a result.

It takes considerable evidence to prove these elements and establish liability for a Denver slip and fall accident. Let an experienced attorney collect and preserve evidence and build a compelling claim so you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

Does Colorado Have a Time Limit for Filing a Slip and Fall Injury Lawsuit?

Colorado law limits the time you have to file a personal injury lawsuit to two years from the date of the accident. If you cannot file by the deadline, the court will dismiss your case. Talk to a lawyer as soon as possible to avoid losing powerful leverage and the ability to seek maximum compensation for your losses.

Contact a Denver Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer

Has a Denver slip and fall accident upended your life? Let The Wilhite Law Firm’s slip and fall accident lawyers help you rebuild. We are passionate about pursuing justice and compensation for accident victims in the Denver area. Contact our office today and arrange a free consultation 24/7.